Ashleigh and Josh are a fun couple. They have a fabulous wedding planned for later this summer, so be sure to check back and see their photographs.
This couple was up for the adventure of a Steve Farrell Engagement Shoot, which can include climbing trees! The lighting was beautiful as the bride-to-be accepts a rose from her fiance`.
Love this photo of Josh lifting Ashleigh, it’s so romantic. You can see the joy that is obvious with this couple.
With Ashleigh and Josh the fun is always right there. They are sure to have a happy life with much laughter!
One of the things in marriage that is so important is to learn to disagree and still honor and respect your partner. Ashleigh and Josh are put to the test early in their relationship as they root for opposing football teams. They pass with flying colors!!
There is so much love here. They have a ton of happiness surrounding them. We truly enjoyed our day with Ashleigh and Josh. We could have taken pictures endlessly. We ended our day with the setting sun lakeside at Deaver Winery (home of the Vineyard of the Year 2013), where we enjoyed a lovely lawn, rustic barn and the lakes.