Like many people, Evan was reluctant to have his photo taken. His mom, Chrys, booked the session for his Senior Portraits. She and Steve discussed what Evans enjoys doing and Steve encouraged her to have him bring some props for the photo shoot. Chris told Steve that she likes the “urban decay” look and Steve knew just where to take the shots, the Old Sugar Mill. At the beginning of the photoshoot, Evan was not sure what to expect. It didn’t take long for him to have fun. Steve has a way of bringing out the best in people.
After the shoot, we received this note from his mom: “Steve, you’re a genius. You have no idea what this shoot did for Evan’s self esteem. He’s expressed that feeling of high school ennui before, saying he felt invisible. Well, he’s walking a little taller, his shoulders are a little straighter, there’s a hint of a spring in his step today. As his mom, I thank you for allowing him the chance to see himself through my eyes for a day. I’m just so happy with the shoot! Thank you, thank you, thank you. Chrys”