We took a drive up the mountains to see the fall colors. They were spectacular.
This was taken ride beside the highway.
The colors were shockingly bright. It was an overcast day. Perfect for taking pictures.
Steve took a picture of me taking a picture.
Steve is always taking my picture. Now, it’s his turn. I took this picture of him.
By the time we got up to Sorenson’s it was getting pretty cold. And windy. We saw some light dusting of …..could it be snow? We decided to head down the hill.
You can’t pass by this cabin and not stop to take a picture. It’s probably one of the most photographed scenes anywhere. So, we stopped. And, it started to snow. The first snow of the season. Brrrrr.
We had a fun day and it was topped of with dinner at the Kirkwood Inn, a great place to eat! I heard that they are expecting a few inches of snow up there from this storm. That will be great for the ski resort. I hope you enjoyed our trip upcountry!